Nancy - M2 AETPF parcours FEN


Nancy - M2 FEN

Nancy - M2 AETPF parcours FEN

alarm Lancement :

28/03/2025 à 08h00

schedule Clôture :

31/05/2025 à 23h59


Fuseau horaire : Europe/Paris

MSc. Forests and their environment (FEN) provides a research-driven approach to the understanding and management of forest socio-ecosystems in the context of climate change.

You will get a Master of Science in a 1 year intensive program combining 5 months of course-based learning with a 6 month professional- or researchoriented internship.


Thank you for your interest in the MSc Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape and Forest (AETPF), specialization Forests and their Environment (FEN).

You will join the 2nd year of the MSc program where all lessons are taught in English.

Students will be recruited on selective basis with a view to mix national origins.

You can now apply online on the AgroParisTech website.

  • Once your application is completed and has been validated, it will be reviewed by the Admission Jury (in June).
  • You will receive an e-mail response as soon as possible at the address you provided in your application.
  • If accepted, you will be invited to an interview. At the end of this interview you will be either: admitted, admitted to the complementary list, or not admitted.
  • If you are admitted on the complementary list, you will be informed of your rank and subsequently if a place becomes available.
  • After admission, you must confirm your wish to join the Master AETPF specialization Forests and their Environment (FEN) and then proceed to your administrative registration online at AgroParisTech by the end of July.

If you have any questions, please send your request to

The Direction of studies and pedagogy's members (DEP-Nancy Campus).